Tuesday 3 February 2015

Rainfall in east Africa

The graph shows the average weather conditions in one region of west Africa.  it shows that are significant differences in the average minthly ppecipation and some variation in temperature. The range if rainfall figutes is very large across the year (from approximately five to 280 milimetres) whereas the temperature only fluctuates by three degrees, from 20.5-23.5 C.

Broadly speaking, in this region periods of high rainfall tend also to be periods of slightly hotter weather, with two noticeable peaks in the year. Temperatures are fairly high in March and April(just over 23C), which coincides with a timeof very heavy rainfall (with top figure of 280mm in April). Both rainfall and temperature figures fall in the middle of the year (to a yearly low of 20.5 C and just five mm rain in July)

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