Monday 13 October 2014

The past below the waves - parapharasing sample

More than three million shripwrecks are believed to lie on the seabed, the result of storm and accidents during thousand of year sea-born trading. These wrecks offer marine archeologist valuable information about the culture, technology and trade pattern of ancient civilization, but the vast majority have been too deep to research. Scuba divers can only operates down to 50 metres, which limits operation s to wrecks near the coast, which have often been damaged by storms or plant growth. A few deep sea sites (such as the Titanic) have been explored by manned submarines, but this kind of equipment has been too expensive for less damous subjects. However, this situation has been changed by the introduction of a new kind of mini submarine : the automatic underwater vehicle (UAV). This cheap, small craft is free is free moving and does not need an expensive mother ship to control it. Now a team of American archeologist are planning to use an AUV to explore an area of sea north of Egypt which was the approach to a major trading port 4,0000 years ago 

Storm and calamities over many millennia are thought to have wrecked over three million ships which now rest on the sea floor. Marine archeologist can learn much about the cultural activities, technological process and trading pursuit of the civilizations of the ancient world from these sunken ships. However, many are too far down to explore, as divers are only able to descend to depths of 50 metres, meaning that only those shipwrecks lying close to the coastline can be explored. These, though, are often in a bad state due to storms and the growth of sea vegetation. Some famous wreck in deeper water (the Titanic as an example) have been investigated with used of submarined operated by people, but the expense involved limits their avaibility. Recently though, a newly invented mini submarine reffered to as the automatic underwater vehicle (AUV) which is moves freely, is inexpensive and does not require an expensive mother ship to monitor it, has entered the search. A large trading port, 4000 years old, entered through port at the sea to the north of Egypt, is about to be explored by a group of archeologist from the US.(MH)

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