Monday 19 January 2015

sport club member

The table below shows the results of survey to find out what members of a city sports club think about the club's activities, facilities and opening hours.
sample answer from books :
The table compares the opinions of male and female club members about the services provided by a city sports club.  Overall, it can be seen from the table that most respondents are happy with all three aspects of the club.  Female members are most unhappy eith the range of activities while male members feel that opening hours are the least satisfactory aspect of the club.

We can see from the response that the male members are generally happy or satisfied with the range activities at the club, with only 5% dissatisfied.  In contrast, however, only about two-third of female members were positive about the activity range and almost a third were dissatisfied.

The genders were more in agreement about the club facilities.  Only 14% of women and 10% of men were unhappy with these, and the majority (64 and 64% respectively) were very  positive.

Finally, the female respondents were much happier with the club opening hours than their male counterparts.  Almost three -quarters of them were very satisfied with these and only 3% were unhappy, whreas nearly 40% of the men expressed their dissatisfaction.

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