Monday 16 February 2015

the energy from waves

The pictures illustrate how energy is produced by waves and where the machines should be located.  Overall, it can be seen from the digram that the process of making energy from waves, involves airflow, turbines and generator.  The location of the machines will affect the cost of installation and the mount of electricity which is produced.

To make energy from waves, there are several stages. Firstly, the waves enter the lowered chamber, which causes the water level.  At the same time, the airflow spins the turbine, which is connected to the generator.  This produce the electricity.  The process repeats.

Regarding the locations of machines, if the machines are installed near the ahore, the cost will cheap compared to off shore locations.  However, the machines placed near the beach produce less electricitu than off shore locations.

Tuesday 10 February 2015

the development of a flint tool

The figure depict the changes in an ancient stone tool from 25.000 to 5.000 years in the past.

Twenty five thousand years ago, the size of the stone tool was approximately 8 centimetres in height and around 4 cm in widht.  From the front, the texture of the stone looks roughh with a square shaped bottom edge for cutting.  In comparison with the front profile, the rear view appears to have a rougher surface.  Viewed from the side, the object appears to have a pointed edge, and measures around 2 cm at the top and about 1.5 cm at the bottom.

Twenty thousand years later, the size of the object has increased by about 2 cm in botth height and width.  In contrast, the side of profile is much thinner than the eatlier specimen, measuring only about 1 cm across.  In addition, the latter specimen is smoother with one exception that the unchipped section extends to the bottom of the blade.

To summarize, there are many differences between the flint tool of 25,000 years ago and the example from 3000 BC, in terms of texture, size and chipping. The differences suggest that the stone had been modified to become a more effective tool to support ancient people's activities.

Sunday 8 February 2015


In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.
What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

 These days, obesity has become a serious problem in many countries, because it also has an impact on people’s health and fitness. Being overweight can be caused by several things, but the type of food that is consumed and the person’s lifestyle are the main causes of this problem.
The increase in consuming of fast food has impacted on our health. It is not good to consume fast food all the time, because it contains high level of fat. It is better to eat healthy food, such as vegetables and milk. In addition, people’s lifestyles, such as preferring to hang out than to do exercises, can be a cause. On the weekend people usually go shopping, and forget to take exercise, even only for one minute.
There are several measures to address this problem, such as the people should change their habit to not consume unhealthy food, and started to consume healthy food. Besides that, they must take time to exercise every week, so as to improve their health. Moreover, the government should give knowledge that being overweight is not good for health, by conducting campaign the bad effects of being overweight.
In conclusion, people must protect their health by changing their habit of consuming fast food. It is better for them to consume healthy food. As well is this, they should take exercise every week. Moreover, the government should conduct campaigns about the bad effects of being overweight, so the people can be aware about that. (RO)


Computers and modems have made it possible for office workers to do much of their work from home instead of working in offices every day. Working from home should be encouraged as it is good for workers and employers.

 These days, the development of technology gives several benefits for people to do their job. It makes people easier to do their work wherever they want, for example work at their home. This condition will give advantages not only for employees, but also for employers. There are several reasons why working at home gives many advantages for people’s lives.
When people work at home, they do not have to face traffic congestion and air pollution every day. This condition will help keep their body healthy. Besides that, they can have more time to spend with their children, and they can manage their own time to do and finish their work. Even though they may get distractions from their children when working at home, they can do their job while their children are sleeping. This strategy will overcome this problem. Moreover, working at home can also reduce the cost of transportation and meals.
In addition, working at home also give benefits for the employers, because they do not have to pay as much for electricity and overtime work. It will reduce the operating cost for employers. Moreover, if the employers need information related to the job, they can use mobile phone or email to ask their workers. Technologies make communication between workers and employers easier. 
In conclusion, working at home not only gives advantages for the employees, but also for the employers. Moreover, by using modern technology enables workers to do their work wherever they are. (RO)

IELTS task 1 marking criteria

Follow this  criteria to get higher mark. Source from here