Wednesday 26 November 2014

It is not about Rainfall, but also it is related to dry season

 The chart illustrates the comparison between rainfall in each month for the last six months in 2014 and the average rainfall in Melbourne. Overall, it can seen that the average rainfall is higher that the actual rainfall per month except June.

 Looking at the details, July was the driest month with a rainfall of only approximately 20 mm. In contrast, the average rainfall in the same month is far higher, with about 50 mm. Other dry months included May, August and September had actual rainfall at roughly 35 mm, but the average rainfall was recorded at 55, 50, and 60 mm respectively.

On the other hand, the wettest months this year were in June and October with a little over 50 mm. In June the average rainfall was approximately the same but in October was slightly higher by 10 mm. In addtion, the highest average rainfall was in October. (LF-BY-GP)

The bar chart compares the average rainfall and actual rainfall which was recorded in Melbourne over the last six months, from May to October 2014. Overall, it can be seen from the chart that the average rainfall was higher than the actual one, except in June 2014.

 In May 2014, the average rainfall stood at around 55 mm, while at the same time, the real rainfall was noted at about 35 mm. In June, the average rainfall dropped slightly to 50 mm whereas there was a significant increase in the actual rainfall at 53 mm which was higher that the average one. Although the average rainfall remained constant at 50 mm as the previous month, the real rainfall decline dramatically to just under 20 mm in July. After that, both the average and the actual rainfall had experienced a steady rise for three months, from August until October. The actual rainfall was recorded at 35 mm in August and September, and finished just over 50 mm in October. Meanwhile, the average rainfall recorded at 50 mm in August and ended to 65 mm in October. (RSW-LF)

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