Wednesday 26 November 2014

Icy Moon Explorer Gets Glacial Test New Scientist Magazine – 26 July 2014

            This article explores the detailed investigation of one Jupiter’s Galilean satelites (Ganymede, Europa, and Callisto), which are believed to harbour sub surface water oceans. Europa, also alled the icy moon, is expected a place of icy worlds in planetary systems in general. Microbes are found on the surface of Europa, but some deny that new discovery and state that it could be false. Until now, Europa is still the madin focus for auter space study. Furthermore, U$D 15 million is allocated for the 2015 federal budget for NASA to establich   the validity of the working hypothesis for europa.
            Experienced experts will travel to investigate the icy moon by on special huge rocket which can shorten accelerate the expedition time from about six years to two. In addition, cryobots, ice-melting vehicles carrying scientific instruments deep into the ice, are designed to aid the scientific journey. The other instrument is VALKYRIE, which is to spread smaller robots carried inside the water to capture the sea floor and check for signs of life.
            If that research on the outer planet is successful, it will be a crucial milestone of space science.RP

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