Saturday 22 November 2014

Forest fires

Forest fires, which are tending to increase, have become a major problem in certain countries. This problem is caused by many reasons which can be divided into two main groups; natural causes and human intervention. The existance of forests are very important not only for people but also for all living things on Earth. Hence, setting fire to the forests has bad effects on them, for instance, environmental damage, increasing financial costs, health risks and climate change. Under conditions like this, measures should be taken seriously and appropriately in order to deal with this problem, action or activity humans and forests.
Concerning the causes of bushfires, both natural causes and the intervention of humans can be broken down into specific way; three major natural causes and four major causes of human intervention. Three major natural causes are long hot summers a dry climate in the forest areas and lava – flaw or hot clouds from volcanic eruptions. These three major causes help spontaneous combustion to happen in the forest areas and in the end it causes bushfires. Besides that, deliberate actions from humans such as clearing of land opening up areas for agriculture and throwing cigarette butts carelessly or forgeting to put out campfires also lead to forest fires. However, the most unforgivable human action which causes forest fires is an act of vandalism commited on purpose by some individuals who do that just to have fun.
In response to this problem, either preventive or curative measures should be implemented appropriately, both for humans and forests. Measures for humans can be undertaken through imposing penalties, enforcing the law and strengthening regulations. Additionally, actions for forests be making artificial rain with helicopters, hiring fire-fighters and replanting and maintaining threes. By preserving the forests in these ways, people can live in a healthy environment. 
To conclude, both natural causes and human intervention can cause the extreme bushfires which have many negative impacts on for all living things on earth. This problem can be solved through either preventive or curative measures which can bring back a healthy life and environment for a better future. (Rp.54.121) RP

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