Wednesday 10 December 2014

The unemployment rates in USA and Japan

The line graph illustrates the percentage of unemployed members ofthe workforce in the United States of America and Japan over a six year period from period March 1993 to March 1999. Overall, the unemployment rate in the USA decreased gradully the period, whereas there was a considerable rise in the number of people who had no job in Japan.  However, by 1999, the unemployment rate in both countries was almost the same.

It can be seen that rate of unrmployment in Japan stood at 2.5% in 1993.  This figure then rose gradully to just under 3.5% at the beginning of 1994, after which it levelled off until the beginning of 1995.  From 1995 to 1998, the number of jobless persons in Japan went up considerably to just over 5%, and then leveled off for the rest of the period.

Looking at the unemployment rate in the USA, it can be seen that despite slight fluctuations over the years, the trend was downward.  The percentage of unemployed Americans started at 7% in 1993, but there was a gradual decrease in the unemployment figures, and by 1998, the level had fallen to around 5%, almost the same in Japan. BY

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