Sunday 14 December 2014

Modern Lifestyles

Modern lifestyles are completely different from the way people lived in the past.  Some people think that these changes have been very positive while others believe they have been negative.  
Discuss both points of views and give your opinion. 
Nowadays, modern people are in completely different way comparing to the past, largely due to technological advances.

Some people believe that the changes have a positive effect in people's lives. However, it is my contention that there have been more negative impacts on modern lifestyles rather than the past.

People who support the positive impacts of modern lifestyles claim that the technological advances will make life easier. For example, the development of communication technology allows people to communicate with others easily as well as to access a wide range of information. However, this development also has negative impacts such as by using mobile phone will make people become individualistic because less direct contact with other people. In addition, the rapid advances of technology produce new version of devices, which encourage people to spend money unwisely. For instance, people tend to update their gadget every time a new version is released.

It has been argued that modern lifestyles provide convenience for people. For example, people do not have to go to market to find ingredients because they can buy junk food or instant food easily. However, people who consume this kind of food frequently could develop health problems such as obesity. It is different from the past when people were more likely to consume home-made food, which is generally healthier than junk food.

It has also been argued that advanced technology has provided many labor-saving devices which make people's lives easier at home. For example, washing machines, vacuum cleaners, and microwave ovens. As a result, people can do their housework more easily. However, these devices encourage people to be passive and lazy. Furthermore, people today tend to be "couch potatoes", spending their time at home doing passive activities such as watching television or playing computer games.

In conclusion, although modern lifestyles have some positive effects, I believe that there are more negative effects, I believe that there are more negative impacts. These include social isolation, individualistic lifestyle, and health problems related to diets and sedentary lifestyle. (RO FH LFN)

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