Wednesday 10 September 2014

Task 2

Some people say that universities should be concerned with educating people so that they will have wide general knowledge and be able to consider important matters from an informed viewpoint. Othe peole say that universities should simply train students to do the jobs required by society, and not concern themselves with broader issues. What do you think?

 Universities originally were places of learning in a more general sense, teaching people to be able to think about a variety of issues with sound background base of knowledge. Nowadays, however, with the pressure of having to make money like business, universities have moved more toward preparing students to enter the job market and to do specific types of work that society needs. This development is good, as in today’s world, without economic development, assisted by well prepared university graduates able to perform specific functions in the economy, the world’s economies would not function at their optimal best, and poverty would result. 

 Some argue that giving students a broad general knowledge so that they can talk about issues of importance from an informed base is important, but what good is talking? Talking does not put food on the table, or money in the pocket. When students go to university the days, they do not have rich parents or sponsors to look after them their whole lives while they merely think about things and talk away in coffee shops. Students these days have to go out and work once they leave university. University cost them, or their parents, a lot of money. They have to get a return on that investment. They need to bee able to support themselves, with a university education that prepares them properly to do a specific type of work when they enter the highly competitive job market. 

 Both from an individual perspective, the poor student who need to get a job once leaving university, and the perspective of the country as a whole, which requires well-prepared graduates able to fit into and contribute to the continued working of the economy, a university graduation which trains students to perform specific functions within the economy will be the one which really contributes to well-being of all in society.(MH) 

 Note : In conlusion 1. chosen side 2. opinion 3. reason

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