Monday 1 September 2014

Canning Process IELTS Task 1

The flow chart illustrates the various stages in the fruit canning process. The process can be divided into 3 main stages, the outside when the fruit is collected, inside the factory where the processing takes place, and outside again whwn the canned fruit is distributed for sale and use. First, the fruit needs to be grown. Once the fruit is ripe, it is harvested and then transported to the processing plant, where it is either rejected as being of inferior quality or accepted. After grading, the good fruit is put in cold storage and washed. Following this, it is peeled, cored, and halved or sliced. Next, the cut fruit is blanched, after which it goes into cans and syrup or juice is added. Once the cans haave been filled, the cans are sealed and then cooked. After being cooked, the cans are cooled and put into storage, then labeled, and only now are the cans of fruit ready for dispatching to wherever they are supposed to go. (175 words)

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IELTS task 1 marking criteria

Follow this  criteria to get higher mark. Source from here