Sunday 14 December 2014

Number of tourists visiting UK

The line graph compares the number of tourist to and from the United Kingdom from 1979 to 1999, and the bar chart shows the most popular overseas destinations for British people in 1999. Overall, looking at the charts as a whole, it can be seen that the trend for both travel to and from the UK increased and the number of travellers who came from the UK is higher than who visit the UK. The most popular destination country for British people is France.

The number of people who travelled to and from the UK rose. In 1979, the traveller to and from the UK is not very different, at 10 million and 12 million people respectively. The trend did not change very much until 1984. In 1999, the number of visits to UK reached a little under 30 million, and the number of traveller from UK reached over 50 million people.

The countries that people from UK most like to visit are France and Spain with around 11 million and 9 million respectively. Other popular countries to visit include USA, Greece and Turkey with between 2 and 4 million British visitors in `1999.(GP)

Special Talent

It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sports or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musician. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion

The issue of whether special talent is given or can be obtained through learning has been widely debated in our community recently. It is an important issue because it is related to the future of children. Various arguments have been put forward. Supporters who believe that such skills are given would argue that certain skills cannot be learnt, they must have a natural ability that is inherited from their parents. Opponents for this argument would say that everything can be learned, depending on how hard children work to achieve their aims. This essay will present arguments in favor of all children possessing the potential to succeed through hard work and practical.  

Some people believe that every child that is born has a specific talent that is inherited from their parents. For this reason, they believe that there is a special gene that influences talents which is related to their parents. For example, a child who has musician parents will more easily to learn music than others. It is the same with children who have parents who were well known as an athletes or a scientists.
However, the opponents would argue that every skill can be studied. The ability of parents does not correlate directly with the skills of their children. Even though many children have the same skills with their parents, it does not mean that the talent came from their parents, it also related to how parents teach this children and how children learn those skills. They may also have the same skills because they have an environmental condition in their home that is conducive to learning that skill. 

In my opinion, environment and technology also can influence the ability of children, not only from their parents. Technology gives more access to children to learn everything. The environment also affects the children’s skills, not only at home, but also in schools and their surroundings.
In conclusion, the talents of children may be inherited from their parents but expertise can also be achieved by learning and hard work, and also supported by the condition in their home. (GP)

IELTS task 1 marking criteria

Follow this  criteria to get higher mark. Source from here